Reaching the Retirement Summit with the ARC Process™

Like mountain climbing, retirement planning begins with the goal of reaching the summit. The key to achieving that goal is planning and preparation. Our unique ARC Process (“Achieving Retirement Clarity”) lays out a clear path for accumulating assets for retirement. It explores three important checkpoints:

  • Cash Flow Management: How your financial resources are earned, spent and saved.
  • Wealth Accumulation: Assesses your current financial position and identifies the most tax efficient path for reaching your retirement goals and other needs such as education funding.
  • Income Protection: Identifies solutions to those obstacles that can prevent you from reaching your financial goals – living too long, dying too soon, or becoming disabled.

Watch our video to learn how you can achieve clarity and peace of mind while building your retirement fund..


Reaching the Summit and Returning Safely with the RISK Process™

While climbing to the top of a mountain is considered to be a major achievement, the real goal of climbing is not simply to reach the top, but to reach the top and return safely. Most people focus on accumulating enough assets for retirement. However, the biggest risks facing retirees occur during the income distribution phase when we retire and begin to live on our retirement savings.

Our unique RISK Process™ (“Retirement Income Survival Kit”) simplifies the complexity of post-retirement planning and guides you through our effective, time tested approach which:

  • Transitions your retirement savings from traditional asset allocation to income allocation
  • Determines your sustainable withdrawal rate throughout retirement
  • Addresses the key risk factors you face in retirement including market conditions, sequence of returns, inflation, liquidity, longevity, taxation, health, and legacy risks

Watch our video to learn how you can achieve clarity and peace of mind while building your retirement fund..